Wie man eine eigene Landschaft malen kann?

Hier erkläre ich kurz und einfach mit Bildern, Videos und Erklärungstexten, wie man seine eigene Landschaft malen kann.

To paint your own landscape, you will need acrylic paints, brushes, and a canvas (you can also paint on wood if you don't have a canvas).
First you paint the sunset with red, orange and yellow. For this you use a large brush or an airbrush to achieve a nice transition.
Now I take a thinner brush and make the floor of the landscape with a mixture of black and brown paint.
Landschaft Boden
Now I am doing the trees in 3 steps. First I paint the trunk. Second, branches come around the trunk and last, I dab the leaves of the tree with the thick brush from the beginning.
Landschaftserklärung ohne Wolken
The final step is to put bushes and yellow clouds in the landscape.
Landschaft Fertig
Here are a few more videos from me on the subject.

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Mein Stil Jan Hirscher

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Jan Hirscher


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